BWY CPD (IST) Day: Teaching Yoga Classes to Athletes


Teaching Yoga Classes to Athletes: the Science of Sequencing


This is a unique to the CPD (IST) days available through the British Wheel of Yoga, focusing on teaching techniques specifically to athletes attending yoga classes:

  • Understanding the science of yoga in sport
  • Exploring key principles of sports-specific breathing, sport-specific movement and sequencing
  • Principles of teaching yoga to athletes and managing athletes in class

This is an interactive day with plenty of participation, and specific guidance on lesson planning for teaching athletes.


Feedback from the ISTs held in Suffolk, London, Leicestershire, Cambridgeshire, South Hampshire, County Durham and Kent since July 2017:

“Excellent teaching and presentation.  Practical combination of science, anatomy and yoga”

“Thoroughly enjoyable, educational event”

“Excellent teacher from the Institute of Yoga Sports Science”

“A very enjoyable and informative course, it is relevant to yoga teaching and I will definitely be using some of the techniques in my classes”

“An excellent session”


If you are an RO, RTO or County Rep for the BWY and would like to run this day, please contact me for availability.

If you are a BWY Teacher interested in attending this training, please contact your Regional Training Officer or County Rep, or book through the links above.